2019 TIN Report Sponsor
2020 TIN Report Sponsor
2021 TIN Report Sponsor
2022 TIN Report Sponsor
2023 TIN Report Sponsor
We’re proud to be 100% New Zealand grown, with a global focus. As a business, we share a common vision of being New Zealand’s top technology recruitment company. This means being the best connected, the most knowledgeable and most effective in meeting our clients’ and our job seeker’s needs—our success comes from your success.
We have been a passionate contributor to New Zealand’s Tech Sector for over 20 years, and we are proud to invest in recurring annual sponsorships. The highlight of our annual partnership with TIN is our sponsorship of the Absolute IT Supreme Scale-Ups award. This accolade celebrates the top ten companies from the ‘Next 100’ (who are ranked between 101-200 in the TIN200). These are organisations that have demonstrated the largest revenue growth in the past year – a clear acknowledgement of the significance of these Kiwi companies, taking the world by storm.
From application and software development to AI, Automation, Cloud, Cybersecurity Analytics, CX, UX and Technical Support, we are a leading provider of talent to New Zealand’s IT sector.
Absolute IT built on honesty and integrity. We operate guided by our values. One of our key strengths is our ability to consistently provide quality people solutions to our business partners. We make sure we use leading edge technology, and the most effective marketing and advertising available.