Auckland, 24 October 2018 – Technology Investment Network (TIN) has named the EY Ten Companies to Watch in this year’s TIN Report, launched tonight at a gala awards event in Auckland.
The TIN Report monitors the performance of New Zealand’s 200 (TIN100 and Next100) largest technology exporters in the areas of Information and Communications Technology (ICT), High-tech Manufacturing and Biotechnology. It is sponsored by New Zealand Trade and Enterprise, Spark, EY, Absolute IT, James & Wells and Simmonds Stewart.
The EY Ten Companies to Watch 2018 are the TIN100 companies with the largest revenue growth in 2018. Datacom Group tops the list for the second year running, with revenue growth in 2018 of $112,697,000.
“The technology growth story continues”, said Darren White, Middle Market Leader at EY, the sponsor of the EY Ten Companies to Watch. “Now in its tenth year, the EY Ten Companies to Watch group has again recorded a double digit growth rate this year (17.2%), amassing $3.5 billion in combined revenue and accounting for 46.4% of the total TIN200 growth.”
Established in 2008, the EY Ten Companies to Watch list has featured 41 companies in total over the years, with 28 firms appearing multiple times. Seven of 2017’s companies returned to the list this year.
The 2018 TIN Report shows that turnover for New Zealand’s top 200 (‘the TIN200’) technology companies increased by 11% to reach $11.1 billion in the past year; the second billion-dollar growth result in three years and the driver behind a record profitability* rise for this group of companies.
Copies of the TIN Report are available in eBook or hard copy and can be ordered from More details on the 2018 TIN Report and a regional breakdown is available on
EY Ten Companies to Watch 2018: TIN100 companies with the largest revenue growth in 2018
The EY Ten Companies to Watch list recognises the TIN companies with the highest dollar value increase in revenue in the past year. Included are companies that have provided revenue figures and achieved a minimum growth of 5%..

Notes to Editors
*Profit is measured as EBITDA unless otherwise stated
For more information please contact:
Media Enquiries: Kate Dobbin Mob. +64 21 522 103
Greg Shanahan, Managing Director, Technology Investment Network
Ph. +64 9 445 0362 Mob. +64 27 435 6045
About the TIN Report
The TIN Report is produced by Technology Investment Network with sponsorship from New Zealand Trade and Enterprise, Spark, EY, Absolute IT, James & Wells and Simmonds Stewart. The TIN Report is a critical reference for benchmarking the performance of New Zealand’s 200 largest globally focused technology companies. The size of the tech industry has grown significantly since 2005 and in recognition of this,TIN sent surveys to approximately 700 companies in 2018.
About Technology Investment Network
Technology Investment Network (TIN) is a private company established in 1999 to facilitate the growth of the technology export sector in New Zealand. The company’s goal is to contribute to the New Zealand economy by supporting the growth of, large, sustainable, New Zealand based, global technology businesses. For more information visit