TOMRA Fresh Food, a business area of TOMRA, is the new name for the New Zealand-based company created through the 2020 unification of produce sorting companies Compac Sorting Equipment and BBC Technologies, which were acquired by Norwegian company TOMRA in 2016 and 2018 respectively. FY21 is the first reporting period for the new company, and the combined revenues of the previous two companies, takes the new company straight into the EY Ten Companies to Watch list with $214m in growth, or 25.4% on the previous year’s revenue.
CEO of the former BBC Technologies, Geoff Furniss, is now head of the unified company, and “brings with him a determination to continue pushing the limitations of agritech innovation and further extend the TOMRA Fresh Food offering.” What’s clear from this first set of results is that the new company is already successfully continuing the smart, innovative research and product development efforts of the previous two companies, and creating greater efficiencies and ultimately, better returns.
“The success of TOMRA Fresh Food includes a fully aligned development team delivering highly valued products to the industry in the categories we serve. This includes utilizing the skillsets and expertise across the entire TOMRA Fresh team to get closer to our customers through aligned service and sales offerings.”
Focusing on people and culture is paramount during a merger and it is important for the teams to get to know one another personally. Understanding how each team member contributes to the business makes the more complicated issues easier to navigate.
Additionally, having a clear vision that the leadership team is aligned on and building a future path that is strategically aligned with the business objectives is vital in ensuring a successful merger.

TOMRA continues to develop high-value integrated solutions, with all components designed to work together, providing our customers with improved efficiency and productivity. There is a particular focus on delivering dynamic optical sensing and AI technology solutions to improve sorting and grading accuracy and performance.
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